20 years on, Biden must close Guantánamo once and for all

On January 11, 2022, in Civil Rights, by admin

At a recent demonstration outside the White House calling for the closure of the US military prison at the Guantánamo Bay naval base on the island of Cuba, a teenager approached a colleague to ask what the protest was all about. He told her he had never heard of the detention facility. It has been […]

I’ve been held at Guantánamo for 20 years without trial. Mr Biden, please set me free

On January 10, 2022, in Civil Rights, by admin

It may surprise you to know that I think America has a very good justice system. But it is only for Americans. In the cases of those like me, justice is not something that interests the US. I wish that people understood how Guantánamo is distinct. In Guantánamo, the torture we are exposed to is […]

A Rose By Any Other Name: Biden Ends TVTP By Renaming It CP3

On June 8, 2021, in Civil Rights, by admin

On the campaign trail, Biden promised to end the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Program (TVTP). He did… by recycling the same broken countering violent extremism framework into a new counterterrorism grant program. Under Biden’s DHS, TVTP heads to the acronym graveyard, and federal dollars will instead flow into the newly created Center for Prevention […]

Biden ends the ‘Muslim ban’ on day one of his presidency but its legacy will linger | Opinion

On January 20, 2021, in Civil Rights, Immigration, Islamophobia, by admin

President-elect Joe Biden repealed the Muslim ban on his first day in office, consistent with his immigration platform. The first Muslim ban was signed by President Donald Trump on Jan. 27, 2017, creating chaos and protest around the nation’s airports. The latest version of the ban came from a September 2017 proclamation that was expanded […]

Overly aggressive response to Omar’s comments reflects distorted priorities in America

On March 8, 2019, in Civil Rights, Islamophobia, by admin

The controversy surrounding Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) comments about Israel and AIPAC highlights a crisis of proportionality in American politics. At a fraught moment in our history, when the Republican Party under Donald Trump is unapologetically running roughshod over constitutional norms and principles, it is disturbing that the House of Representatives would prioritize a resolution […]

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